Ajax Search Pro – Live WordPress Search & Filter Plugin is the best live search engine plugin for WordPress. Highly customizable, with many features and options, giving the best results possible! Replace the WordPress search bar with a better looking, more efficient search engine.
Shortcodes and widgets compatible with page builders, such as: Elementor, WPBakery Page builder (and Visual Composer), Divi Page Builder and others..
Ajax Search Pro Plugin can act as an Elementor Live Posts and Products widget filter. Building a custom results page via Elementor is also supported.
Ajax Search Pro for WordPress was designed to boost the user search experience to the maximum. It provides a live ajax search, which makes the wordpress search experience more confortable.
The results are presented with images (if any found), so they look more attractive and less flat. The search works with mobile devices, let it be Android or IOS powered.
The search can override the default wordpress search results – so the ajax functionality is extended – replace your default theme search with only a click of a button.
The search can return posts, pages, any custom post types (like WooCommerce products, BBPress forums, topics, replies), categories, custom taxonomy terms (like product categories, portfolio tags), users, BudddyPress groups and BuddyPress activities as results.
Searching media attachments, including their content is also possible – for PDF, CSV, TXT, RTF and Office documents, Excel and Powerpoint files.
The backend offers hundreds of options for those, who like to customize the search to the maximum. Many features were implemented based on customer feedbacks, and even more coming soon.
This WordPress search plugin officially supports Visual Composer as well – so in addition an Ajax Search Pro Visual Composer addon is included within the plugin.
Our prices are much lower than developers. You can purchase a premium product at an affordable price!
100% clean original files without implemented advertising, viruses or malicious code.
We offer lifetime updates and we stay tuned and regularly lay out a fresh versions of themes and plugins.
You download the product directly from our website without any waiting and advertising!
All digital products presented on the website are released under GNU General Public License.
The plugins and themes are GPL licenced so you can use them as often as you like on as many sites as you like.