All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions is a neat add-on extension for WooCommerce Subscriptions that lets you add subscription plans to your existing products. Start capturing residual revenue and building a new relationship with your customers today — without changing the core of your business!
Add subscription plans to existing products
WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin works great if you want to sell subscriptions on your site. But what if you want to let customers optionally subscribe to your products?
All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions introduces a streamlined workflow for adding subscription plans to existing products. It’s an essential complement to WooCommerce Subscriptions that lets you:
Offer subscription plans in the cart
Give customers a last-minute opportunity to subscribe, right before checking out. Instead of adding subscription plans to every product in your store, you can add a few subscription plans to the cart page and get started right away.
Add products and carts to existing subscriptions
Want to give customers the freedom to add products to their subscriptions? With All Products For WooCommerce Subscriptions, it’s possible! Even entire carts can be added to existing subscriptions, instead of checking out as usual!
Offer configurable subscription boxes
All Products For WooCommerce Subscriptions is fully compatible with Product Bundles and Composite Products.
Our prices are much lower than developers. You can purchase a premium product at an affordable price!
100% clean original files without implemented advertising, viruses or malicious code.
We offer lifetime updates and we stay tuned and regularly lay out a fresh versions of themes and plugins.
You download the product directly from our website without any waiting and advertising!
All digital products presented on the website are released under GNU General Public License.
The plugins and themes are GPL licenced so you can use them as often as you like on as many sites as you like.