B2B for WooCommerce plugin is a complete wholesale solution that allows you to optimize your store for both B2B and B2C customers. Featured in WooCommerce staff picks and trusted by thousands of customers. No need to set up a separate store for your B2B and wholesale customers.
B2B customer registration
Turn your default registration form into a full-fledged B2B and B2C registration form. Add checkboxes, radio buttons, file upload options, dropdown menus, and seven other types of custom fields to collect extra information from B2B (and B2C) customers. Keep your registration form clean by showing fields only when needed, and choose whether to manually review and approve B2B registration requests. B2B Registration is also available as a standalone product here.
Product visibility by user roles
With WooCommerce B2B extension, you can hide products and categories from specific user roles, and display a custom error message when someone tries to access a restricted product or a category with a direct link. Hide or show products and categories to particular user roles to optimize your catalog visibility for B2B customers. You can also hide products and categories from guest (non-logged-in) users. Product Visibility by User Roles is also available as a standalone product, you can buy it from here.
Different Prices for Different User Roles:
With Role based Pricing feature, you can configure different prices for different user roles and customers. Limit minimum & maximum order quantity for each user role. B2B for WooCommerce plugin offers 5 different pricing adjustments which are as follows,
Tiered pricing based on user roles:
WooCommerce B2B extension comes with a built-in tiered/volume pricing feature that allows you to set different prices for different quantities and assign them to specific customers and user roles.
Customize table, error message and enforce quantity
You can customize the table text by using variables for minimum quantity, maximum quantity, and price. You can also choose to enforce the minimum and maximum quantity so that a customer cannot order beyond the predefined limit. If you don’t enforce it, the base price will be applied to all units.
Apply discounts on standard or special price:
You can choose to apply the role-based pricing on special or standard prices. For example, you have already have a special price offering a 15% discount on a product, you might want the role-based 20% discount to be applied on the standard price instead of the special price.
Request a quote & hide prices
WooCommerce B2B comes with a powerful “request a quote” feature for hiding prices from specific user roles and replacing their “add to cart” buttons with an “Add to Quote” button. Customers will be able to request quotes for multiple products and ask for price estimates. Request a quote is also available as a standalone product here.
Prices & Tax Display:
You can now choose to display prices inclusive or exclusive of taxes based on user roles. For example, you can choose to display prices inclusive of taxes to general customers and inclusive of taxes to wholesalers.
Tax exemption:
You can tax-exempt specific customers and user roles. Once the customers are tax exempted, you can choose to automatically remove the tax or enable a checkout to let customers remove the tax on per order basis. As sometimes, not all orders by a specific customer are eligible for tax exemption. Tax Exempt for WooCommerce is also available as a standalone extension.
Restrict shipping methods by user roles:
You can enable/disable shipping methods for each user roles. This feature enables you to manage your shipping methods for B2B and B2C customers.
Restrict Payment methods by user roles:
You can enable/disable payment methods for each user roles. This feature enables you to configure different payment methods for B2B and B2C customers.
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