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Role Based Pricing for WooCommerce

Role Based Pricing for WooCommerce plugin allows you to set your product prices based on user roles and individual customers. You can discount or markup prices by fixed or percentage amount. Once the prices are changed only the specified customer & user roles will see the new prices, whereas the rest of the customers will see the regular prices.

Role Based Pricing plugin comes with rule-based management that allows you to change prices in bulk for a whole category or selected products. While setting up a price change, you can choose to set a minimum & maximum order quantity and restrict customers from purchasing beyond the predefined quantity limit.

You can also hide price and/or add to cart button for not loggedin customers and replace them with a custom text & link. If you need to add the custom fields on the registration form and assign user roles during registration, try Custom User Registration Plugin.

Role Based Pricing plugin features:

  • Adjust pricing for individual customers and user roles
  • Set a fixed product price
  • Increase price by fixed or percentage amount
  • Discount price by fixed or percentage amount
  • Change prices on the product level
  • Add rules to change prices in bulk for specific products or categories
  • Compatible with product variations
  • Set minimum & maximum order quantity
  • Replace original price in case of price increase
  • Strikethrough old price and show the new price as a special price
  • Configure start & end date for each price rules
  • Hide price & add to cart for not logged in and specific user roles &
  • Replace price with custom text
  • Replace add to cart with a new custom button & link

How Does Price Change Work?

WooCommerce Role Based pricing is a smart plugin that handles the price markup and markdown efficiently. Incase of price markup, the original price is replaced with the new increased price whereas incase of price markdown, the original price is strikethrough and the new price is displayed just below the original price. This makes your customers feel special and helps in improving the conversion rate.

Pricing on Product Level

You can update the price based on the user role and customer on the product level. The product level settings enable you to,

  • Set price for each user role (Leave empty to use default price)
  • Change price for any customer
  • Specify minimum & maximum order quantity
  • Set a fixed price or increase/discount price by a percentage or a fixed amount.

Compatible with Product Variations:

With WooCommerce Price by User Role, you can configure separate prices of each variation. Set different prices for different user roles and individual customers.

Rule-Based Price Management

The rule-based price management empowers you to change product prices in bulk. Instead of changing prices product by product, you can utilize the rule-based feature to change prices in bulk for specific products and categories.
While creating a new price rule you can,

  • Specify user roles and individual customers
  • Specify minimum & maximum order quantity
  • Set a fixed price or increase/discount price by a percentage or a fixed amount.
  • Select products & categories to apply the new price change.

Hide Price & Add to Cart:

With WooCommerce Role-based Prices plugin, you can hide price and/or add to cart button for non-loggedin and specific user roles. You can also choose to hide prices for all or specific products & categories.

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Last Update:February 4, 2023
Last update:October 12, 2022

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  • Role Based Pricing for WooCommerce V1.6.3
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