WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Ultimate give an extra edge to your marketplace. WCFM – ULTIMATE enhance your Front-end Manager to the next level. More options, more filters, more reports…
More powerful. More convenient. Ultimate features that give an extra edge to your marketplace.
Enhance your Front-end Manager to the next level. More options, more filters, more reports – in one word a lots of more power in your hand and everything from live site front-end.
WooCommerce Frontend Manager is the smartest woocommerce frontend vendor store/shop manager. Experience the best ever WooCommerce Frontend Product Manager. Most featured Vendor Dashboard for Dokan, WC Marketplace, WC Vendors, WooCommerce Product Vendors – most popular woocommerce multi vendor marketplace plugins. Along with WooCommerce Bookings, WooCommerce Appointments, WooCommerce Rental & Bookings System, WooCommerce Subscription, ACF and Listings – WP Job Manager compatibility. Knowledgebase, Notification, Direct Messaging and PDF Invoice are some of the many colorful feathers of the wings.
Our prices are much lower than developers. You can purchase a premium product at an affordable price!
100% clean original files without implemented advertising, viruses or malicious code.
We offer lifetime updates and we stay tuned and regularly lay out a fresh versions of themes and plugins.
You download the product directly from our website without any waiting and advertising!
All digital products presented on the website are released under GNU General Public License.
The plugins and themes are GPL licenced so you can use them as often as you like on as many sites as you like.